Fibroids are benign lump(s) in the wall of the woman womb. A womb can contain one but usually multiple fibroids in different sizes. They start with changes in the cells that makeup the muscular wall and gradually increase into a small lump. These lumps continue to grow in response to a female hormone called oestrogen. Fibroids occur in all women irrespective of race or colour, but is more common in black women. Some factors encourage fibroids formation and they include family predisposition, race, and no previous pregnancy.


Fibroids do not usually cause symptoms, but the commonest symptom is heavy and/or more frequent periods. There may be worsening of menstrual pains, discharge, abdominal increase and palpable mass in the lower abdomen.


The latest research recommends no treatment for fibroid that are not causing symptoms; if the fibroid is inside the womb and causing excessive bleeding, first line treatment is a tablet that shrinks the fibroid’s sizes. If the tablet does not work, other options are to block blood flow to the fibroid, burning it off using advanced techniques. Operation is not recommended much due to high risk of complications like bleeding and infection. It must be stressed that a woman can still have children with fibroids, but if fertility is affected, the tablet form is highly advised, as operations may cause even more problems with conception.

Crystalife supports patient and couples affected by fibroids to find a non-invasive (no operation) option of treating fibroid.

For more details on fibroids, please contact us at Crystalife.

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