This is one of the emerging diseases in the world at the moment.
Coronavirus was reported in Wuhan China in December 2019 and has since been spreading round the world. Known as COVID-19, coronavirus was declared a pandemic by The World Health Organisation (WHO) on the 11th of March 2020.
The disease is a highly contagious disease, with an incubation period of about 2 weeks, which starts as an upper respiratory tract infection with fever and or dry cough. Most people recover from coronavirus but about 2% to up to 10% of infected person may go to develop severe respiratory distress type illness in the form of pneumonia or haemorrhagic pneumonities, which is difficult to treat. Other symptoms of coronavirus include loss of small or taste, non-specific headaches, excessive sneezing, chest pains and shortness of breath, malaise, joint and muscle pains. The complicated form of the disease presents with severe shortness of breath known as acute respiratory distress syndrome which may be difficult to treat, and may require respiratory (ventilatory) support.
Coronavirus spread around the world farily quickly. Fortunately a numbr of vaccines against covid-19 have been approved and being administered across the workl, The notable vaccines are the Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Sinopharm moderna and Johnson&Johnson. Many more vaccines are in different phases of trials and may be added to the approved lists with time.
The distribution of the vaccines around the world will take time with the richer countries ahead of vaccinating their populations. Worldwide coronavirus has infected about 247,500,117 with 505 616 deaths and 224, 169 485 recovered persons from covid infection – as at the 1st of November 2021.
Coronavirus may take months to years to control across the world, but the effects of the virus on lives lost and on the world economy is evolving. The impact will not be felt for many years to come.
However the covid vaccinations had significantly reduced morbidities and mortalities from the virus across the world.
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Below – The CEO and clinical team at a coronarvirus Respiratory Hub Clinic dressed in Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)