Asthma is due to narrowing of the wind pipe, a complex process which is triggered by some form of (allergic) reaction to certain agents like pollutants (dust, animal hairs, pollen), stress, certain drugs.
Asthma kills, not because it should but due to limited information about how to prevent an attack or if it happens, what to do including getting adequate treatment.
Prevention of Attacks
If one is asthmatic s(he) must ensure that the inhalers are available and accessible in case breathing problems ensues. Breathing problems can change quickly, so no time should be left to use the inhalers if an asthmatic attack suspected. If the inhalers do not work on using them back to back, please attend a nearby hospital for nebulisers and /or steroid treatment. A preventative inhaler is strongly advised if an asthmatic record 2 or more attacks in a week. An asthmatic must avoid the factors that trigger an attack such as dust, animal hairs, certain drugs like beta-blockers, anti-inflammatory tablets and smoking.
At Crystalife, we have well trained health professionals that provide excellent care in Lifestyle Medicine and a comprehensive health promotion advice regarding chronic illnesses.