Malaria is caused by small parasites injected into the blood during mosquito bites. When the mosquito carrying the malaria parasite bites someone, it injects the saliva where the malaria parasite lives into the human blood. the parasites attach the human blood causing the typical symptoms of malaria. Malaria kills so many people in Nigeria due to poor knowledge of treatment or preventive measures.
Fever, headache, vomiting, weakness, lack of appetite, joint and muscle pains. In little children under 5 years of age, malaria can cause lack of appetite, diarrhoea, dehydration, and unconsciousness. Malaria has similar symptoms with common conditions like flu, catarrh, typhoid, Lassa etc. However, malaria tests is one of the simplest investigations performed by most laboratories in Nigeria. It is not compulsory to tests for malaria before treatment especially if there are no lab facilities available.
Avoid mosquitoes – use nets, insecticide sprays, close doors
Treat malaria symptoms promptly and properly, consult a qualified healthcare professional if symptoms persists after treatment or if worried about your symptoms.
Avoid puddles of water and water accumulating in places where mosquitoes can breed
Also clear bushes and ponds around where people lives or in markets or cover stagnant water with used old oils or kerosene.
If malaria is confirmed, the treatment of choice is a combination therapy. Chloroquine or other monotherapy forms must be avoided. Please contact Crystalife for further advice.