Hypertension is high blood pressure.
Hypertension has no symptoms but the health advice is that everyone over 40years old should have at least one blood pressure measurement in a year. It is important to know the underlying causes of hypertension. It runs in the family, and stressful lifestyle beyond one coping mechanism can trigger high blood pressure. Lifestyle medicine advises that hypertension can gradually developing though what how we live our lives, diets high in salt and fats, lack of physical exercise, smoking and alcohol abuse, obesity / overweight, environmental stressors like high noise pollution are known contributing factors to developing hypertension
Avoid food high in salt and processed food
Healthy lifestyle; avoid smoking, alcohol abuse, regular exercise, and peaceful environments
Avoid undue stressors
Yearly BP check and prompt treatment and compliance with medications against hypertension.
The Blood pressure chart below shows that persistent BP of 140/90 and above measured over three months is hypertension.